Tuesday, June 24, 2014

60 Stock Tips For Investors

I was doing some research on some more materials to bring to my readers.  I came across this great blog post that I think you will enjoy.  I personally took away some good tips from this post that I will use for my trading.

Click on the link below to be directed to the post.

The author has many good tips for beginning traders and even experienced ones.  I wish I would have seen this when I was just a beginning trader as I learned the hard way and made some of these mistakes that the author was listing.  My trading has made me money but as I learn/gain experience I look back and know that I could have avoided some mistakes.  I hope that I can teach you to avoid those beginner mistakes.

You might be thinking that these tips are just too simple and everyone should know these but it can be very difficult when you are in the middle of a trade and are not sure what to do so the fundamentals will be the key when it comes to your decision making.  Even an experienced trader needs to refresh up on the fundamentals some times.

I hope you can take these tips and learn from them!  I will keep this link up so you can keep referring back to this list if you need to as it has so many good tip I can’t stress it enough for you to read this carefully.

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