Monday, June 23, 2014

Seeking Alpha a Very Useful Source

Seeking Alpha is a very popular blog site that has many contributors that have many years of experience in the stock market.  Seeking Alpha has been a good web site to checkout it gives a little insight and it seems that the individuals who are commenting on the posts have some knowledge about the stock market as well.  I have learned a lot from reading through Seeking Alpha and learning from what others options about a stock are. 

One of the most useful tools I have found on Seeking Alpha is that you can create a log-in name, input what stocks you are interested in and you will automatically be on the email list whenever news or a new article comes out about that stock.  I have found this useful as when I am at work and just have time to check my email real quick I can see what is going on with some of the stocks that I have been watching.

Last night I was doing some stock research looking for the next big breakout stock.  When I found one that looked like it had potential I would type the stock symbol into Seeking Alpha and it would pull up some articles that have been posted.  I then would read through them to gain any insight about that stock that I could before committing to it.  This is a very useful tool that Seeking Alpha has to offer as you want to know as much as possible before risking your money into it.

The only negative thing I have to say about Seeking Alpha is that they will sometimes have post form one of their contributors that are very biased for or against a stock.  You have to watch for articles for Seeking Alpha and look further into the information that you are reading.  The more sources you can get information from the better.

Comment below if you have any other stock websites that you like to watch or use for research!

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