Friday, June 20, 2014


Hello Viewers!

I want to take the time to welcome everyone to The Wall Stock Journal.  The blogging is getting ready to begin.  I want to let everyone know that I am encouraging contact and communication on this blog.  For the optimization of this blog we all need to communicate to each other through the comment box and email.

I will check the blog and my email on a constant basis so my replies back will be quick so don’t hesitate to contact me for any questions you might have. 

Please join this community and tell your friends who are interested in the stock market to join it also.  We can all profit from this if we unite and make the full efficiency of the tools of this blog. 

The first blog post that I am going to post are going to post some things for the very beginner traders than I am going to keep building on top of that so that anyone can come into The Wall Stock Journal and read through the blog and know step by step what they need to do to begin trading from the comfort of their own home.

Once we have developed the foundation for the beginning traders to get started.  I will keep posting information to keep building the beginner trader.  Resources and links will also be posted to help supplement my blogs information.

Feel free to introduce yourself/ experiences via my contact page or on any of the comments post so I can get a feel for the people who are looking at the blogs and I can change the post to meet the needs/wants of the viewers.

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