About me

My name is Dave and I would like to welcome everyone to my new blog “The Wall Stock Journal”.  I am a senior at Illinois State University.  I am majoring in finance.  Finance is my passion and helped inspire this blog.  Growing up I was always interested in money and my family taught me about investing along with the importance of saving/budgeting.  Years have passed and along the way I have studied business how they perform, improve, innovate, and grow.  I quickly realized that these things that I do for fun could help me invest money into these companies. 

The last 5 years I have started trading in the stock market and watching the way it moves very closely.  I am far from the trader that I aspire to be but with the busy schedule that work and school has me on I am satisfied with my progress.

The way that I look at life is that it is a learning process and we should drive to learn something new no matter what age we are or walk of life.  I plan to keep learning throughout my life in financial markets and in areas well beyond that.  One day I believe that I can become the trader/investor that I have always dreamed of.  I know that it will not come over night but it will come with some hard work and determination. 

I appreciate everyone for checking out my blog and I hope you enjoy it and you can learn something from me and I can learn something from you along the way.