How to Make Your First Trade!

Making your First Trade!

The first trade you make is very intimidating to many as we are risking our hard earned money into something that we don’t have excessive experience in.  This is a normal feeling as I have talked too many of my friends in an attempt to get them to invest their money but they are very timid and even afraid of the stock market.  I felt the same way before I dove right in and made my first trade but after a few weeks and I was starting to see my money make me money the nerves where relived.  I am still holding the full position of my first trade and I am up roughly 65% on that trade, I am very happy with that return and don’t have any plans to sell my position any time soon.

I have always been an avid saver I wanted to invest some of the money I had saved and make a return as savings accounts get next to nothing these days.  I took initiative into my own hands did my research and executed the trade with success.  I currently enjoy watching a trading in the stock market I do it as a hobby now and have enjoyed every minute.

Investing in the markets didn’t come over night I had to do a lot of things such as save money so that I would be able to invest.  I have noticed that it can be very difficult for people to save money as it takes great discipline.

Once I had the money saved up I knew I needed to do something with it as I had no intentions to touch it until after college to make a down-payment to buy a house.  A savings account is a very safe place to keep money but it will just sit and sit with little to no return. I wanted to put my money to work so I knew I had to do something else.  I’ve watch the stock market for years and I then took what I have learned a put it into my stock trading account and made my first trade.

Begging steps:

Save Money:  One of the most difficult things, but you must have money to do but is necessary if you want to be able to invest in the stock market.  I feel that with the broker fee’s a trade of $800 or less doesn’t make much since as you would have to make up to much of a percentage right at the beginning to make a profit.

Research:  Look into the companies that you think you would like to invest in.  Balance sheets, cash flows, and some analysis expectations can help you making your decisions.  Check out my post about Seeking Alpha a Very Useful Resource.  I use Seeking alpha sometimes to see what articles and opinions that they might have on the stock.  Seeking Alpha is not the only resource I use I look around and try to become as educated as possible. 

Fund Account:  Online trading brokers have made it as easy as ever to trade stocks.  Look for what one best fits your needs.  I have posted some recourse’s on different online stock brokers; Getting Started Trading and TD Ameritrade and ShareBuilder Reviews.

Purchase of Stock:  Congratulations you have made the purchase and got that stock.  You might be nervous but if you did your research everything will fall right into place and you should start seeing a return. 

Sell of Stock:  It is just as easy as the purchase but now you can take those profits.  It can be hard to sell a stock as many people fall in love with the stock.  Don’t get a biased opinion just because you own it if you have made a decent return be happy and sell if the timing is right.  You don’t want to hold onto the stock watch it go up and then go down thus you losing money.

Start the Research Over Again:  If you did it once you can do it again.  The research processes is the most dreadful part of trading.  It is boring, time consuming and difficult but making money never gets old no matter who you are.  Do your research and you can make money more times than not.

Trading stock is a great thing for everyone to have knowledge on regardless of career.  The stock market has given investors proven return over the long run and has helped many people retire happily so don’t be scared it is not as bad as the novice might first assume.  With new technologies of the online broker it is easy to buy and sell your position you can even do it right over your smart phone if you would like. 

The trait of trading is very rewarding and fun I plan on doing it for the rest of my life but I have made a few mistakes along the way and I hope to give you the information so you don’t have to learn the hard way that many investors had to do along the way.  Check out the post that I have links on my pages; 60 Stock Tips for Investors and Tips for Investing in Stocks.

I hope I have educated and motivated you to make your first trade in the market it will probably be the most nerve racking one you ever do.  You might lose some money along the way on a trade from time to time but cut losses quick and enjoy those trades that you do make money.

Thank you for reading The Wall Stock Journal and I hope you learn from this page.  If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me or leave a comment I want to keep an open contact with my readers and I hope we can build a community of investors and traders that we can all learn from each other to make some money.

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