Friday, July 11, 2014

Check out the new truck Shirt!

11 Thing I learned in ACC 255

  • I learned how to create a website/blog of my own
  • I learned how to market a website
  • I learned how to make money from a website
  • I learned that I can write and teach about the topics I am educated at
  • I learned that there is a lot more to a website that meets the eye at first
  • I learned that a website is time consuming to create
  • I learned that the stock market is in need of legitimate teachers
  • I learned that making a website can be fun to make and very stressful when it is not going your way
  • I learned that I actual like to blog
  • I learned that I have more stock information that I have learned that I first thought
  • I learned that I have become a decent writer in my college days
  • I learned that ACC 255 is alot of work

The Federal Reserve Links

The Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve is the very complex system that the U.S. has implemented to help stabilize our economy.  I have wrote a very good article about The Federal Reserve make sure that you check that out.  I have found some other articles for you to continue your reading and education about The Fed.  I hope that my article did a great job describing The Fed but it never hurts to read multiple articles so that you can get the full spectrum for different authors.
These articles are from CNBC and slate go over a lot of good information of what The federal Reserve dose. 

The main topics of the articles are:

What is the Federal Reserve?
What does the Federal Reserve System do?
When was the Federal Reserve Created and Why?
What is Monetary Policy?
What is the FOMC?
Where does the Fed get money?
How does the Fed affect U.S. citizens?
How has the Fed changed over the years?

These two articles have a similar feeling to the one that I posted but I hope you can get some more information from it.

This article on the learn bonds site goes into depth of how the fed can affect interest rates and how they do.  I suggest checking this one because it hits some good points on interest rates that I didn’t in my article. 

The last article that I have to supplement my post is from the Investopedia.  The article talks about money supply and how the Fed manages it.  Definitely a good read on top of my article

Today's Readings (7/11/14)

Today’s Readings  (7/11/14)

Today’s Readings are very good as the market is still high and people don’t know when this bull market run will end.  When the market gets this high the fear of a crash also dose as history has shown its self many times but no one is certain when this could happen.  Read the articles and make an assumption for yourself.

This article touches on the skepticism within the market.  Today’s stock prices seem to be very high along with the unpredictable economy it has many scratching their heads wondering why the prices have been soaring for so long.  The author continues to look at some valuation ratios and states many investors have been ignoring warning signs the market has been giving us. 

This article lists some stocks in the Dow that performed good and kept it from loosing points today as the European banking system announcement started off the day poorly.  It’s always good to see some momentum come from bad news and not let it bog down our overall market.

The third article will go into some more depth about the scare that they are having in Europe that affected our stock market yesterday and the early morning of trading.  Even if it is in Europe it will still affect the stock market so don’t over look anything that will affect a stock you might be trading in.

I hope that these article help you and you enjoy them any questions or comments just post below and I will respond promptly to them.  I hope that you are doing your homework and will continue to educate yourself because trading stocks is something that you can do for the rest of your life.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Daily Readings 7/8/14

Daily Readings 7/8/14:

Here are some of the articles I have read this morning and I wanted to pass them on to you.  Comment below on how you feel about the articles I am always open for discussions.  I am going to start to post lists of what I have read and pass it along to you so that you don’t have to do all of the research yourself.

Checkout the link of the first article right here:Say hello to U.S. economy's newest bubble

This first article is from Market Watch.  The article is titled “Say hello to U.S. economy’s newest bubble”.  The author states that the Dow is a whopping 155% above its low back in March 2009.  He believes that the economy hasn't grown near that much nor has corporate profits.

The author also shows his concerns for the market as this bull market has managed to avoid a correction for 33 months far longer than average.  The author supports the bull market by stating that the stock market has continued its run by the lack of alternatives to low-interest bonds and bills.

The second article for reading today is called “Dow 17,000 is on the wrong side of history” also on Market Watch.

Checkout the link for the second article right here:Dow 17,000 is on the wrong side of history

The author states that the bull market isn’t directly with recent economic growth but is being driven higher by wealth traders who have unknowingly driven the market higher.  The Fed has helped drive the market higher by flooding the economy with money as the fed balance sheet has quadrupled to $4.3 trillion since 2008.

The author finishes the article by comparing this bull market with other bull markets in history.

You might notice that the trend for articles today is that some people might be skeptical if we are nearing the end of the bull market.  The fed might increase interest rates and slow the buying are both trends of the article so this is definitely an important topic to understand and do research on.  I would strongly encourage you to read these articles and make assumptions for yourself.

The Dow Falls Bellow 17,000 Today

Stock are Taking a Hit Today

The Stock market today has taken a dip today as the Dow has retrieved under the 17,000 that it just surpassed a few trading days ago.  Investors are becoming cautious as the second quarter earnings season is under way.  Investors are also keeping a close eye on the Fed.  The Fed is planning on slowing the bond purchasing plan as the economy has seen slow but steady growth over the last few months.  The Fed appears to be thinking about rising interest rates on the economic growth data.  Experts think that when the interest rates go up the stock market will soon slow and go down soon after. 

Check the links out it describes what is going on in the markets today (7/8/14):

I hope that the links from USA Today and Yahoo Finance help understand the market slips today.  It is key for an trader to understand the moves and learn from them so that you can predict and anticipate them in the future.

With the markets at such highs many investors have already been weary if they can sustain themselves much longer.  This makes me think that people will be watching the markets very closely whenever the market has down days and the Dow has triple digit losses as it has today.  The sell-off of stocks could come very fast if losses continue.  People have seen that stock can take a plunge very quickly and they would rather not take a risk with losing value in their investments.  Investors should keep a close eye on the market as it appears that vitality is high.

The next few weeks should be interesting as some of the earnings come out but let’s hope that the earnings are good and we can continue this bull market for longer so we can all enjoy profits from it.

Friday, July 4, 2014

New Products That Are Must Have

Check out the new products that we have available.  You will love them as the product variety is overwhelming.  Our logo is simple but it says a thousand words and your friends/family will be asking you what The Wall Stock Journal is.  Check it out here is the link!

You will love the T-Shirts, Coffee Mugs, Shot Glasses, and Hoodies plus much more….