Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Happy Fourth of July!

The Fourth of July is on Friday and the stock market will be closed to observe the national holiday.  The stock market this week has been very hot and many stocks saw substantial gains and let’s hope this continues to the end of Thursday.

The last month the stock market has been boring and gains have been flat but it seems that this week it has started back on track for a steady growth but we shall see if it continues over the next few weeks. Within this bull market don’t get over confident make sure that you still cut your losses quick and take your profits when acceptable.

People have been skeptical that the stock market can sustain the pace that it has over the last 3 years and believe that a re-correction or crash is imminent.  I believe that the economy recovery is steady the government/fed is attempting to keep the economy boosted.  Until the government to get caught up with all of the QE they have been doing this bull market should sustain itself.  Everyone should be careful in investing and watch for things that could affect your stock/ the stock market in general.  I hope that my blog has hopefully helped you learn these things.

The fundamentals are still always key to your trading successes and don’t veer too far away from them unless you are cretin about your position/the direction the stock is about to go.  Let me know if you have any questions or topics that you would like me to cover.

Everyone have a happy and safe Independence Day!

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