Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Dow Falls Bellow 17,000 Today

Stock are Taking a Hit Today

The Stock market today has taken a dip today as the Dow has retrieved under the 17,000 that it just surpassed a few trading days ago.  Investors are becoming cautious as the second quarter earnings season is under way.  Investors are also keeping a close eye on the Fed.  The Fed is planning on slowing the bond purchasing plan as the economy has seen slow but steady growth over the last few months.  The Fed appears to be thinking about rising interest rates on the economic growth data.  Experts think that when the interest rates go up the stock market will soon slow and go down soon after. 

Check the links out it describes what is going on in the markets today (7/8/14):

I hope that the links from USA Today and Yahoo Finance help understand the market slips today.  It is key for an trader to understand the moves and learn from them so that you can predict and anticipate them in the future.

With the markets at such highs many investors have already been weary if they can sustain themselves much longer.  This makes me think that people will be watching the markets very closely whenever the market has down days and the Dow has triple digit losses as it has today.  The sell-off of stocks could come very fast if losses continue.  People have seen that stock can take a plunge very quickly and they would rather not take a risk with losing value in their investments.  Investors should keep a close eye on the market as it appears that vitality is high.

The next few weeks should be interesting as some of the earnings come out but let’s hope that the earnings are good and we can continue this bull market for longer so we can all enjoy profits from it.

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