Friday, July 11, 2014

Today's Readings (7/11/14)

Today’s Readings  (7/11/14)

Today’s Readings are very good as the market is still high and people don’t know when this bull market run will end.  When the market gets this high the fear of a crash also dose as history has shown its self many times but no one is certain when this could happen.  Read the articles and make an assumption for yourself.

This article touches on the skepticism within the market.  Today’s stock prices seem to be very high along with the unpredictable economy it has many scratching their heads wondering why the prices have been soaring for so long.  The author continues to look at some valuation ratios and states many investors have been ignoring warning signs the market has been giving us. 

This article lists some stocks in the Dow that performed good and kept it from loosing points today as the European banking system announcement started off the day poorly.  It’s always good to see some momentum come from bad news and not let it bog down our overall market.

The third article will go into some more depth about the scare that they are having in Europe that affected our stock market yesterday and the early morning of trading.  Even if it is in Europe it will still affect the stock market so don’t over look anything that will affect a stock you might be trading in.

I hope that these article help you and you enjoy them any questions or comments just post below and I will respond promptly to them.  I hope that you are doing your homework and will continue to educate yourself because trading stocks is something that you can do for the rest of your life.

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